Performance Data








Board Diversity Independent Directors % 100 80 78
Directors that identify as female % 38 30 22
Directors that identify as a visible minority % 0 10 11
Average age of Directors Years 56 57 57
Cybersecurity Employee participation in cyber security training % 100 100 100
Compliance and Fines

Monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with marketing and communication of financial product-related information to new and returning customers $ 0 0 0
Monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with fraud, insider trading, anti-trust, anti-competitive behaviour, market manipulation, malpractice, or other related financial industry laws or regulations $ 0 0 0
Claims concerning breaches of customer privacy and loss of customer data # 0 0 0
Claims concerning incidents of corruption # 0 0 0
Reports to Whistleblower hotline # 0 N/A N/A
Gold Equivalent Ounces Total koz AuEq 94 89 80
Gold % 66 67 68
Silver % 24 18 24
Diamonds % 10 14 5
Other % 0 1 3
North America % 78 82 81
Other % 22 18 19


Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Total GHG emissions tCO2e 290 30,614 29,870
Scope 1 (direct) emissions tCO2e 0 0 0
Scope 2 (indirect) emissions1 tCO2e 25 27 36
Scope 3 (other indirect) emissions – total tCO2e 265 30,588 29,8342
Scope 3 emissions – business travel tCO2e 2543 93 N/A
Scope 3 emissions – employee commuting tCO2e 11 N/A N/A
Scope 3 financed emissions (associated with streams/royalties) tCO2e S.O.4 30,4955 29,8346
Emissions intensity tCO2e per GEO S.O.7 0.40 0.398
Energy9 Total energy consumed GJ 943 955 1,254
Electricity GJ 491 443 562
Natural gas GJ 452 513 682
Diesel GJ 0 0 11
Renewable Energy10 Renewable electricity % 100 100 100
Water10 Water withdrawal m3 415 424 749
Waste11 Waste directed to disposal kg 2,077 850 1,095
Waste diverted from disposal kg 1,816 2,542 9,61212


Health & Safety Fatalities # 0 0 0
Lost time incidents # 0 0 0
Employees Total workforce # 27 27 28
Osisko Gold Royalties # 25 25 26
Osisko Bermuda Limited # 2 2 2
Employees covered under collective bargaining agreements % 0 0 0
Full-time employee voluntary turnover % 0 7.3 3.3
Average hours of training per employee # 20 30 25
Salary gap # 9.5 8.6 7.7
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion13 Employee Diversity
Female % 44 48 57
Visible minority % 26 26 21
Average age Years 42 41 41
Senior Executive Team Diversity
Female % 14 14 14
Visible minority % 0 11 11
Community Relations Community investment $ 327,900 235,500 200,000
Human & Labor Rights Incidents Incidents of discrimination # 0 0 0
Human rights-related grievances # 0 0 0


  1. 2023 data includes Montréal and Toronto offices. 2022 and 2021 data include Montréal office only.
  2. Data has been restated based on improved information from Skarn Associates. This update reflects the inclusion of actual calculated numbers from our mining partners, replacing previous estimates.
  3. Estimates for business travel scope 3 emissions for 2023 are calculated using an updated methodology using data collected from our business travel providers and applying assumptions to air travel, car travel and hotel stays.
  4. Data was not available in time for publication of our report.
  5. Skarn calculations represent ~85% of Osisko’s total 2022 GEOs (Skarn does not model the Renard Diamond Mine).
  6. Data has been restated based on improved information from Skarn Associates. This update reflects the inclusion of actual calculated numbers from our mining partners, replacing previous estimates.
  7. Data was not available in time for publication of our report.
  8. Data has been restated based on improved information from Skarn Associates. This update reflects the inclusion of actual calculated numbers from our mining partners, replacing previous estimates.
  9. 2023 data includes Montréal and Toronto offices. 2022 and 2021 data include Montréal office only.
  10. Includes Montréal office only.
  11. 2023 data includes Montréal and Toronto offices. 2022 and 2021 data include Montréal office only.
  12. In 2021, Gare Windsor undertook a major exterior renovation project resulting in a higher volume of recycled material being produced from the construction activities.
  13. Based on employee voluntary self-identification.