Below is the list of available positions at Osisko Gold Royalties Ltd. Please send your resume to by specifying the position on which you are applying in the email subject. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
Beware of False Recruitment Offers
Osisko Gold Royalties Ltd has recently become aware of attempts by certain individuals to solicit payments from job seekers for identifying job opportunities or to cover interview expenses. Other recruitment hoaxes ask job seekers for extensive personal information in advance of interviews. These recruiters have been falsely representing that they are associated with Osisko Gold Royalties Inc. Please be advised that Osisko Gold Royalties Inc. has no association with these individuals. Osisko Gold Royalties Inc. does not conduct its hiring process in this manner.
We urge job applicants to carefully check and confirm the credentials of any person that represents themselves as being associated with Osisko Gold Royalties Inc. before responding to any advertisements or e-mail solicitations. We further urge job applicants to critically assess requests made by any such recruiter. Unusual requests (such as requests for banking information) may be a sign that the recruiter is not engaged in a legitimate business activity.
Osisko Gold Royalties Inc. career opportunities are advertised on our web site. Job seekers can view and apply for openings with the company directly as written in the job postings.